The 4 Muslims, who targeted the Hindu youth seen with a Muslim girl in Gujarat, arrested

Vadodara (Gujarat) – The Vadodara Police have arrested 4 Muslims – Yakib Ali Shaikh, Nauman Shaikh, Mohasin Pathan, and Abrar Khan Sindhi, for assaulting a Hindu youth for going with a Muslim girl. The Police have also taken into custody 9 more individuals. All these people are in a WhatsApp group named ‘Army of Mehendi’.

In the past 5 months, these religious fanatic Muslims have targeted and harassed at least 15 Hindu youth. When a Muslim girl is seen riding a pillion on a bike with Hindu youth, they stop and make a video of them and then thrash the youth. To this end, the Muslims in February 2023 have made a WhatsApp group called ‘Hussaini Lashkar’. To avoid Police attention these groups keep these WhatsApp groups active for only 3 to 4 months and then dissolve them and regroup under a new name. ‘Hussaini Lashkar’, then ‘Army of Mehendi’, and then ‘Lashkar-e-Adam’ is the new group being set up. An investigation by the Police is ongoing.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • Religious fanatic Muslims !
  • Where are those people, who generally pontificate to the Hindus for objecting to Muslim youth and Hindu girls, and advocate that ‘there is no colour to friendship or love’ hiding now ?