People experiencing post-Covid conditions 3 times more likely to die

Research by Indian Council of Medical Research

New Delhi – People experiencing post-Covid conditions after being discharged from the hospital are nearly three times more likely to die during the following year compared to those who did not report these symptoms, according to a recently published study from a network of hospitals under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Of those admitted to hospital with moderate to severe Covid-19 infection, 6.5% died at the end of the one-year follow-up period, it found. The findings are based on data from 14,419 patients across 31 hospitals who were followed up over the phone for a year. These findings cannot be extrapolated to mild cases that are not being reported, a senior scientist formerly associated with ICMR said.

The study shows that the risk of death in the year after discharge from the hospital was higher among men; those above the age of 60; and those with co morbid conditions. It demonstrated the role of even a single vaccine when it comes to long-term mortality — it found that those who received at least one dose of the vaccine were at a 40% reduced risk of death between the first follow-up at four weeks.

The scientist said, “It is also important to note that higher mortality — even after recovering from Covid-19 — was seen in co morbid people. This means people with conditions such as liver cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease should take care because they are likely to get complicated Covid-19 and post-Covid symptoms.”

The study says various hypotheses have been considered to explain deaths reported in the year following Covid-19. These deaths could have been due to factors including “prolonged inflammation, organ damage due to the virus, endothelial (lining of the inner layer of lungs) dysfunction”.