Nuh violence instigated from Pakistan too

YouTuber Zeeshan Mushtaq was posting provocative videos using internet service of Pakistan Government

Nuh (Haryana) – The violence perpetrated by Muslims here is now being linked to Pakistan. Haryana Police is investigating 2,300 videos related to the violence. It has come to light that Pakistani YouTuber Zeeshan Mushtaq was inciting Muslims of Nuh through his YouTube channel under the name ‘Ahsan Mewati’. He also issued threats to kill Bajrang Dal activist Monu Manesar through this channel.

Zeeshan posted videos of the 31st July riots on Facebook and YouTube the same day. The Police suspect that he has strong connections in Nuh. It is revealed that all his videos were posted from Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Zeeshan’s YouTube channel has 80,000 subscribers and more than 85,00,000 views of his videos. Zeeshan has mentioned on Facebook that he is a resident of Alwar, Rajasthan.

It has been found that on 31st July, Zeeshan posted his videos using Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) which is internet service of Pakistan Government in Islamabad. Internet is provided to educational institutions of Pakistan through this centralised network. (Pakistani Government and ISI involvement in this violence should also be investigated – Editor)

Editorial Viewpoint

From such incidents, it is frequently seen that ‘wherever Hindus are attacked across the country, it has connection with Hindu-hating Pakistan’. The Indian Government must take strict steps against this.