Why was ‘Oppenheimer’ scene denigrating Shrimadbhagawadgeeta not censored ?

  • Union Minister Anurag Thakur rebuked the Censor Board !
  • Thakur admitted that there is pressure from society on the censor board to omit the scene !

New Delhi – The movie ‘Oppenheimer’ has been released in India. The film’s lead actor Cillian Murphy aka Oppenheimer is shown reciting the Shrimadbhagawadgeeta during a sex scene between him and the film’s actress. This has drawn a lot of flak from Hindus and their organisations. Now, Union Minister Anurag Thakur has raised the question, ‘How did the Censor Board permit such scene ?’ He also said that society is putting pressure on the censor board to delete this scene.

Editorial Viewpoint

How do such mistakes happen, while Censor Board is under the control of the Union Government ? Government should appoint scholars of Hinduism and devout Hindus to this board !