Jihadi attack expected on Kanwar Yatra in Bihar : Intelligence agencies

New Delhi – As per the information from the Intelligence Department, jihadi pretending to be Kanwar pilgrims might attack Kanwar Yatra in Bihar. Therefore, Bihar Police have been alerted to beef up the security. Kanwar Yatra commenced on 4th July in Bihar. Presently the Yatra is well protected. Due to the information of the Intelligence Department, the security has been tightened. The Police are present at various places.

In view of a large crowd of devotees expected to throng the two pilgrimage towns, strict vigil is being maintained through CCTV cameras, drones and monitoring of the social media. Bomb disposal and anti-terror squads have also been deployed in the mela kshetra.

Editorial perspective

Still today, we celebrate each Holy festival under the threat of jihadi attacks. Hence, we need Hindu Rashtra to change this situation.