Sharia law discriminates between the rights of men and women regarding property

A petition filed by a Muslim woman in Supreme Court

New Delhi – Sharia law doesn’t treat women equally with respect to the apportionment of property. Women don’t get equal rights, claimed a woman named Bushra Ali who has filed a petition in Supreme Court in this context. She stated in her petition that there was a need to remove such inequality. The Constitution of India confers equal rights to women; still, Muslim women are victims of discrimination. Consequently, Supreme Court has served notice to her 11 siblings, including brothers and sisters. Kerala High Court had passed a verdict against Bushra Ali on the 6th of January 2023 which she has challenged in the Supreme Court. Bushra Ali’s father passed away, without making a will, in 1981. He had not distributed the property among his children.

The cases related to the property are disposed of under Sharia law under which the property is distributed among the son, daughter, wife, and parents of a deceased. The law provides an apportionment of 50% to a daughter of that which is given to a son. After the husband’s death, his wife gets 1/6th of his property and his parents also get a certain share of the property.

Editorial viewpoint

It should be noted that women’s organisations, the Women’s Commission, or Human Rights organisations never come forward to help Muslim women !