Muslims attacked a temple and vandalised Idols in Bangladesh

The intention underlying the display of this image is not to hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus, but to make them comprehend the denigration – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Muslims attacked a Hindu temple in Purbadhala Market in Netrakona, Bangladesh and vandalised all the Idols there.

The intention underlying the display of this image or video is not to hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus, but to make them comprehend the denigration – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

The organisation ‘Voice of Bangladeshi Hindus’ has tweeted that this attack was carried out to oppose the worship of Shri Saraswati Devi on Vasant Panchami.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • As Hindus in Bangladesh have no guardian, such incidents are happening continuously.  Indian Hindus cannot protect the temples of India, they cannot be expected to protect the Hindus of Bangladesh and their temples !  Therefore, it goes without saying that similar incidents will continue to happen in Bangladesh !
  • The Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, despite having good relations with India, does not protect the Hindus of her country and the Indian Government does not pressure her to protect them. Unfortunately, this is the ground reality !