Vivek Agnihotri challenges Urban Naxals and Intellectuals too !

Mumbai – ‘The Kashmir Files’ Director Vivek Agnihotri said he will quit filmmaking if intellectuals, including Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, can prove that events depicted in his film are false.
“I challenge the world’s intellectuals and ‘Urban Naxals’ as well as the great filmmaker who came from Israel if they can prove that any shot, dialogue or event of ‘The Kashmir Files’ is not the absolute truth, I’ll stop making films. I’m not someone who will back down. Issue as many fatwas as you want, but I’ll keep fighting”, Vivek Agnihotri said in a video statement shared on his official ‘Twitter’ page.
“Such things are often said by terrorist organisations, Urban Naxals and the ‘tukde tukde’ gang, who want to divide the country. What’s surprising is how an event, organised by Government of India, was used to support the narrative of terrorists who want Kashmir’s separation from India and how many Indians living in India used it against the country ? Were the 700 people, whose families were butchered and gang-raped, spouting propaganda and vulgarities ? The place that used to be a Hindu majority, no Hindus live there. Even today, Hindus are marked for murder and killed right in front of your eyes. Yasin Malik, who confessed to his crimes, is rotting in jail today. Is this propaganda or a vulgar thing ?” he asked.
“Those who are opposing ‘The Kashmir Files’ did not allow the truth about the ‘Moplah’ riots and killings or the genocide of the Kashmiri Hindus to see the light of day. These very same people, during the Covid pandemic, sold pictures of the burning pyres to foreigners to earn dollars”, he added.