Rajasthan Government fails to stop the mining in Bharatpur despite giving assurance; Saints and Sadhus stage protest again !

  • The anti-Hindu-hating Congress Government is carrying out excavations in the mountains which are sacred for Hindus !
  • A Sadhu (Seer) had committed self-immolation in July !
  • Congress minister threatens to teach a lesson to Sadhus !
(Left side) Tourism Minister Vishwendra Singh

Bharatpur (Rajasthan) – Hundreds of Sadhus had staged protests against illegal mining in Pasopa village in Bharatpur. Sadhu Baba Vijaydas had committed self-immolation in this case in the month of July. The Congress Government in Rajasthan had then assured to stop illegal mining in the area, but it has not been followed and illegal mining is still going on here as before. Following this, once again 3,000 Sadhus and Saints have started the agitation. Tourism Minister Vishwendra Singh of the Congress Government has threatened the Sadhus and said that the Government will teach them a lesson.

1. Braj Das, General Secretary of the Defence Committee, said that considering the sentiments of all, we are re-starting the agitation on behalf of Sadhus, Saints, villagers and Krushna devotees from 1st of December. Earlier, he had staged a sit-in agitation for an hour and a half here. He then submitted a memorandum to the Collector demanding a halt to mining from the entire Braj region and warned that ‘if the ongoing illegal mining in the region is not stopped, there will be an agitation’.

2. Tourism Minister Vishwendra Singh said, ‘We have stopped mining, but the crusher plants will continue to operate as they are having licenses’.

Reason behind the agitation of Sadhus and Saints !

The mountains in Braj are worshipped and circumambulated. Therefore, the movement has been going on for many years to save these mountains from mining. People believe that Shri Krushna took Incarnation on this mountain. These mountains are as important as Badrinath and Kedarnath.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • If the Congress Government is neglecting the protest of hundreds of Sadhus and Saints to stop mining on the mountain which is sacred for Hindus, then Hindus should introspect and teach such a Government a lesson in a lawful manner !
  • If Hindus still remain dormant even after realising that Congress’ rule is in fact an Islamic rule, it will be suicidal for them !
  • It is not the religious fanatic who threatens to teach a lesson to Sadhus, but a Hindu minister himself, this is shameful for Hindus !