Resolution passed in America against 60 Hindu organisations

New York (The United States) – A resolution against Hindu organisations was passed by the leader of Teaneck Democratic Municipal Committee (TDMC). This resolution accuses 60 organisations including Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Seva International, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh of promoting terrorism related activities. The resolution calls for the two senators of the Democratic Party to investigate financial support for these organisations. This resolution claims, ‘Organisations are spreading hate towards minorities in India and the United States’. This Committee is associated with the Democratic Party. The current United States administration also is of the same Party.

Outrage against the TDMC resolution has led to agitation on the streets by a coalition of over 60 Hindu organisations. These agitations are also against the Democratic Party’s Governments in the States of California and New Jersey.

Why oppose Hindu organisations ?

These organisations have been targeted for arranging multiple programmes in the past 2 months. This year, Hindu organisations organised parades across many places on 15th August, which is the Independence Day of India. These parades included signs with the picture of ‘a bulldozer’. Yogi Adityanath (Hon. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh) took strict action against the rioters and rapists from the Muslim community and used bulldozers to demolish their illegal housing. The Hindu organisations have been criticised of being anti-Muslim in America for displaying pictures of bulldozers in the parades. In another instance, several speaking engagements of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Sadhvi Ritambhara were organised; but cancelled due to the mounting opposition.

State level Democratic Party opposing the resolution

The New Jersey State level Democratic Party has opposed this resolution. Their regional Spokesperson said, “A foundational goal of the Democratic Party is to bring people together, not to divide them, and the anti-Hindu Teaneck Democratic Committee resolution does not accomplish this important goal. We stand with those who value inclusivity and diversity, and against hate and bigotry in any form”.