Miscreants throw meat in the Village Deity temple in UP just before the annual celebrations

The situation in the village is tense

Tension prevails after the incident of throwing pieces of meat at the temple

Shamli (Uttar Pradesh) – In the Bhumiya village of the Sikka town, Shamli, miscreants threw pieces of meat inside the Village Deity’s temple premises. As this caused a lot of unrest among the people, the area is heavily guarded by the Police force.

On the 3rd of September, arrangements were made for the yearly yajna, havan, and offerings in this temple. Just before that, there were meat pieces found at 11 different places in the temple premises. The villagers confirmed that such an incident has occurred for the first time. After the Police were informed, they collected all the pieces and sent them for examination. They have informed that an investigation is ongoing.

Editorial viewpoint

Looking at how frequently such incidents which are specifically aimed at insulting Hindu Deities occur all around the country; The Central Government needs to make strict laws to punish such criminals !