Lessons on Jihad for 12th standard students in Turkiye

Jihad means a religious war waged against the enemies of Islam !

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Ankara (Turkiye)  – Currently Jihad is being taught as a subject to the students of the 12th Grade. Children are being taught that ‘Jihad’ in any form is accepted by Allah and he will open the gates of heaven to whoever follows it. This startling disclosure was revealed by some media outlets. It said that the Turkish Ministry of Education has included the subject of Jihad in its curriculum for the 12th grade. It explains that every act including war is done in the name of Allah and falls under the concept of Jihad. It further states that ‘Jihad can be done with the heart, the tongue, by hand and through weapons. It is also written in the book that their forefathers risked everything for Jihad and considered martyrdom the greatest achievement one can achieve. They would say that “If I die I will be considered as a ‘Shaheed’ and if I live I will be considered as a ‘Ghazi’ (A brave Muslim warrior fighting for the cause of Islam).” Thus their forefathers had never shied away from martyrdom.

Further, this book also says that,

1. Promoting Jihad is mentioned in the Quran and also mentioned in the Hadith by Prophet Muhammad.

2. True believers are those who believe only in Allah and his Messenger without any doubts and devote their entire lives and wealth to Allah.

3. Prophet Muhammad also explained the necessity of Jihad. He had said, ‘There are hypocrites who die without fighting while walking in the path of Allah’.

Editorial viewpoint

This article clearly explains why jihadists, religious fanatics or terrorists are created in Islamic countries.