Some chants essential to cure ailments as per specific Deity Principles

Two days after Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale had a thought that He should conduct research on curing ailments with specific chants, He read an article written by Sadguru (Dr) Gadgil on the same subject; this awakened immense gratitude in His mind towards Sadguru (Dr) Gadgil.

An article titled ‘For curing ailments, Chant-remedies of Deities’ Principles specific to the ailment’ was published in Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ on 27.12.2020. After reading this article, I remembered that two days earlier that I had thought of conducting a similar research so that people benefit from it. Especially when medicines will not be available during World War 3, everyone will receive invaluable benefit from the research. God had already passed on that thought to Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil and got the necessary information documented through Him. Therefore, I felt overwhelming gratitude towards Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil and my bhav towards Deities was awakened for giving Him this thought. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale

Doctors and medicines will not be available in the coming adverse times. It will be difficult to know which remedy to apply on which ailment. To learn about this, seekers should preserve this article and chant accordingly. This will help in alleviating their ailments. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale (30.6.2022)

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil meditating to identify chants to cure ailments

To cure a specific ailment, through meditation I initially identified the Principle of which Deity (of the 7 main Deities – Shri Durgadevi, Shriram, Shrikrushna, Datta, Shri Ganapati, Maruti and Shiva) is essential and in what proportion. On this basis, I have formed the chants required on some ailments. I had first identified the chant to treat coronavirus. After realising its effectiveness, I was inspired to search the chants for other ailments also. These are combined essential chants of various Deities. I am prescribing these chants for seekers to cure their ailments. I learnt from seekers that they have benefitted from these chants. Some months ago, some ailments, related chant-remedies and the spiritual experiences of seekers were published in Daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. Some more ailments and chant remedies are given ahead. These chants were prescribed to some seekers over the past 3 months. Seekers are requested to give feedback on their spiritual experiences at the earliest (E-mail or post) so that they can be included in the related Texts.

An earnest request to seekers and readers !

If you are suffering from any ailment mentioned here and if you feel like trying the prescribed chant, do so for an hour daily for a month as an experiment. Please send your spiritual experiences on this by E-mail to[email protected] or by Post to the address given ahead. These spiritual experiences will be useful in proving the efficacy of the chants and can be included in Sanatan’s Texts.
Postal address : Sanatan Ashram, 24/B, Ramnathi, Bandora, Ponda, Goa – 403 401.

1. Unique spiritual experiences of seekers after chanting the prescribed chants to cure their ailments

1A. Nephrotic syndrome : This is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete too much protein in the urine. One lady-seeker’s 9-year-old son was suffering from this ailment since 2015. Every 3-4 months he used to have a bout of this ailment. At that time he had to be given steroids. Steroids caused swelling all over his body. On 21st December 2019, I prescribed a chant for his ailment. The lady-seeker chanted for her son for an hour every day. Within 7 days of starting the chant, protein stopped passing through her son’s urine (the lady-seeker could easily check at home if the child’s urine contained protein). Even though the child is completely cured from the ailment which he used to face every 3-4 months due to the chant, his mother continues to chant for him. The child’s mother later turned to homeopathic medicines to treat the disorder since that doctor realised that the child’s ailment is caused by some fear. This doctor is eliminating the root cause of the ailment.

1B. Developing homosexual attraction : One person was experiencing same-sex (Homosexual) attraction. After he openly told me about this problem, I prescribed a chant to eliminate this disorder. After he started chanting for an hour every day, in 20 days his problem reduced to a great extent.

1C. Excessive sexual thoughts : A young male used to feel a lot of sexual attraction towards women and have thoughts about them all the time. This was hindering his spiritual practice. He asked for a chant to overcome this problem, and I told him the chant. After he chanted regularly for 15 days, his problem reduced greatly.

1D. Diabetes : Insulin does not get produced in the body of the 16-year-old son of a seeker who is a doctor. Such an incidence is one in a million. Consequently, every three months such a person has to check the insulin level in the blood and receive treatment. In January 2022, I prescribed a chant on this ailment to the son of this seeker. He chanted for an hour daily for 4 months. As a result, his blood insulin level remained at 2 nanogram/ml and did not reduce. The normal amount of insulin in the blood is 2 nanogram/ml. So now I have asked him to chant for 2 hours every day.

1E. Sleep talking, crying in sleep and REM sleep disorder : Two seekers were suffering from this disorder. After giving them the chant on this ailment, both were cured within two weeks.

1F. Muscle knot (lump) in the abdomen : In March 2022, a lady-seeker’s sister-in-law developed a muscle knot in her abdomen. I prescribed a chant on this, which she chanted daily for a month.

After this she felt that the knot is compressed. She went for a check-up. After scanning, the doctor found that the knot had disintegrated. The doctor said to this lady-seeker, “This is the first time I am seeing the disintegration of the muscle knot. This is not possible. This is a good sign in the process of disappearance of the knot”. We realise that this happened because of the chant prescribed.

1G. Myasthenia gravis (A neuromuscular disorder) : This is a serious disorder related to neuromuscular junction (NMJ). This disorder falls in the category of autoimmune disorder. In Myasthenia gravis, the muscles attached to the bones get affected. In this disorder, the muscles involved in the movement of organs and related to breathing become weak.

One lady-seeker was suffering from this disorder, and hence, she was not able to perform simple actions such as lifting a pen. She used to get tired quickly. She had to lie in bed all the time. Steroids are usually given as a treatment on this disorder, but this has side effects such as swelling.

In February 2022, I searched a chant for this disorder and told her. She started chanting this 2 hours daily. Within a month she experienced the benefits of this chant. She started performing daily activities. The doctor told her that this is a good change and now her disorder is under control. He also reduced her steroid dose. The doctor further said, “It is important that this disorder did not affect her breathing, else a serious condition would have developed”.

1H. Increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) : In February 2022, a lady-seeker was diagnosed with high levels of ACTH in her body. Her blood pressure was always low (If the amount of cortisol in the blood reduces, the amount of ACTH increases. Blood pressure reduces due to reduction in the amount of cortisol hormone). She experienced fatigue and slow metabolism constantly. All this weakened her immunity. In March 2022, I prescribed a chant on this and asked her chant it one hour daily. She chanted this for 3 months. She took steroids for a month as prescribed by the doctor to treat this disorder. In June 2022, her physical condition improved slightly. Her fatigue reduced. Her blood pressure increased. She was able to digest food. Earlier her ACTH level was 72.6 picogram/ml, which now reduced to 64.1 picogram/ml. (Upper ACTH limit is 46 picogram/ml.)

2. Importance of chants : In the adverse times, these chants will be of great help when medicines will be in shortage and doctors will not be available.

3. Gratitude

By Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale grace, I was able to find these chants and realised their efficacy. I express gratitude a million times unto the Holy feet of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale.

– Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil (Ph.D., Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. [3.7.2022])

In the adverse times when doctors will not be available, it will be difficult to know which remedy to use on an ailment !

In the adverse times, chants will be of great help when medicines will be in shortage and doctors will not be available !