The kidnapping, conversion, and marriage of a minor Hindu girl in Pakistan

The girl sent to the Women’s Centre after the Court order

Shahidabad (Pakistan) – In the city of Shahidabad, Sindh province, Pakistan, a young Hindu girl Kareena Kumari was abducted and forced to convert to Islam. She was also married to a Muslim youth named Khalil later. In this case, Kareena’s father has filed a petition in the Court and demanded that the girl be handed over to him. Currently, the girl is in a Women’s Centre per a Court order. Hindu organisations protested after Kareena was kidnapped.

1. Kareena shared a video of herself on social media a few days after the abduction. In it, she had said that she was forcefully converted to Islam and was being tortured by being locked in a room. Additionally, she said she wanted to stay with her parents.

2. Kareena’s father Sundermal said that we are very poor. In light of the girl’s video, the Court should hand her over to us and punish those who abducted and raped her. Because they also sell such girls later.

3. Dilip Kumar Manglani, Sundarmal’s lawyer, said Kareena is a minor. Minor Hindu girls are mostly targeted in Sindh. Even the Police do not help at such times. The accused submits false documents to the Court. Earlier this year, three minor Hindu girls were abducted, converted, and later married. These three have not yet been traced by the Police.

Editorial viewpoint

Despite atrocities being committed against Hindus in Islamic countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Indian Government is silent while Islamic countries question India despite no such crimes having been committed against Muslims in India.