Religious fanatics assault Hindus over alleged offensive social media post against the prophet !

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – A Hindu youth’s house in Dighulia sub-District of Khulna District was set on fire by local Muslim fanatics due to a purportedly disparaging Facebook post against Prophet Mohammad. This incident took place on 16th July and later the fanatics started a spree of attacks against Hindus. Videos of violence have been widely circulated on social media. The fanatics burnt 21 Hindu houses, looted 37 shops, destroyed 9 temples and defaced Idols of Deities. A total of 200 houses of Hindus were attacked in these incidents. Police have arrested Akash Saha and his father Ashok Saha, who allegedly posted offensive content against the Prophet on social media.

Police rushed and pacified the violent mob. Police said Akash had posted against the Prophet on 14th July. Further judicial action will be taken after investigation. However, no action has been taken against fanatic Muslims who attacked Hindus.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • It is not possible to prevent such incidents till India seeks answers from Bangladesh about the increasing attacks on the minority Hindus in Bangladesh ! O’ Hindus ! Put pressure on the Government in a lawful manner to protect your brothers in Bangladesh !
  • Why are the so-called liberals who support those who denigrate Hindu Deities under the pretext of ‘Creative Freedom’ silent now ?