Has secularism punished those who demolished Babri Masjid ? : MP Asaduddin Owaisi, National President, MIM

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Babur demolished Shriram Temple 500 years ago and built Babri there, Aurangzeb demolished Shri Kashi Vishwanath’s temple 400 years ago and built Gyanvapi Mosque there and also demolished Shrikrushna Temple in Mathura and built Eidgah Mosque there. Will Owaisi tell who will punish their descendants for this ?

Mumbai –“The word ‘secularism’ has deceived Muslims on a large scale. After the demolition of the mosque, Holi was played with the blood of Muslims, TADA was imposed on Muslim youth. What kind of secularism is this ? Did secularism punish those who demolished Babri Masjid?”, asked Asaduddin Owaisi, National President and MP of the MIM party, during his speech regarding the demolition of Babri Masjid. He was speaking at a public meeting of MIM on 11thDecember in Chandivali. Party MP Imtiyaz Jaleel, former MLA Waris Pathan, and other leaders were present on the stage.

Owaisi further said,

I do not believe in political secularism, but only secularism in the Constitution. (Owaisi’s hypocrisy ! If he truly believed in secularism in the Constitution, his party would not have the word ‘Muslimeen’ in its name. He would not have run his party or asked for votes based on religion ! – Editor)

Bombay High Court has ruled that Muslims are economically backward. ‘Reservation can be given to Muslims in Maharashtra’, the Court said, but the Government forgot about it. (Owaisi, conveniently enough, does not state that the Constitution itself makes it clear that ‘reservations cannot be granted based on religion’ ! – Editor)

If Muslims get reservations, they will make rapid progress. (Why doesn’t Owaisi tell Muslims that they can make progress only if they get out of the rusty medieval practices and live with the modern world, and not by giving reservations ? Owaisi just wants political gains by luring Muslims with reservation ! – Editor)

Reservation is the right of Muslims in Maharashtra. Only reservation will give prestige to Muslims. (It is said that despite the reservation for the last 70 years, not a single section of society has been able to make full progress, so how can Muslims make progress through reservation ? Owaisi should have cleared this. – Editor)

Will a curfew be ordered during Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Mumbai ?

‘Will those who issued curfew during MIM public meeting, issue curfew during Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Mumbai ?’, asked Owaisi.

Covid-19 rules thwarted during MIM’s public meet in Mumbai; meeting held without Police permission !

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Are Covid-19 rules only for the common people ? Why don’t Police and Administration take action against MIM people ?

MIM organised a public meeting without having permission from the Police. Most of the dignitaries present on the stage as well as most of the workers present at the meeting did not wear masks. Social distance was not observed in the meeting.All the Covid-19 rules were thwarted in the meeting. The meeting was organised to demand educational reservations for Muslims and retention of Waqf Board land rights.