RSS’ extremist ideology is pushing the minorities aside in India : Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan’s loose talk

Editorial comments

  • The genocide of minorities in Pakistan, especially Hindus, which has been going on for the past 74 years, should be taken care of by Pakistan instead of seeing what is happening in India.
  • Why doesn’t Imran Khan address the jihadi terrorism in Pakistan, jihadi ideology and such activities, killing the minorities ?

Islamabad (Pakistan) – What is happening in India is unfortunate not only for Pakistan and Kashmir but for all Indians. The extremist ideology of the RSS is marginalising the 50-60 crore minority community in India. This will have a serious impact on Indian society. History has shown that when you exclude or ignore people, you end up making them extremists, said Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan. He was speaking at the Islamabad Conclave 2021.

Khan further said that Kashmir was a major threat to the stability of South Asia. The whole of South Asia is hostage to the Kashmir issue. I am sorry to say that we did our best to have talks with the Government of India on this issue, but there was no positive response from there. We also called PM Narendra Modi, but gradually we began to realise that our overtures for peace were being considered our weakness. Unfortunately, we were not discussing with a normal Government of India, but the RSS ideology and it is very difficult to have discussions with such ideology. It is really difficult to discuss with people who follow the Sangh ideology or have heard the statements of the founder of this organisation. We pray that India will have a rational Government soon that will seriously discuss the issue with Pakistan.