Panic over the new strain of Covid-19 ‘Omicron’ being labelled a variant of concern

New Delhi – The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern over the discovery of another deadly strain of the coronavirus. This variant was first discovered in South Africa and was named ‘Omicron’. India has made it mandatory for passengers coming from 12 countries to be tested at airports. The US has announced plans to ban travellers from eight countries across the South African continent.

The Omicron was first discovered on 11th November in Botswana, South Africa. Later it was found in countries like Hong Kong, Israel and Belgium. The rate of mutation and transmissibility of Omicron is high compared to other Covid-19 strains so far.

A meeting was convened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss Omicron. The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka are conducting serious surveillance. The Chief Ministers of these States held meetings and took updates on the current situation of Covid-19.

In Mumbai, passengers from Africa will be quarantined. The Gujarat Government has made RT-PCR mandatory for passengers travelling to the State from Europe and some other countries.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has demanded a ban on flights from countries where Omicron patients have been detected.