No retaliation against Pakistan after the Mumbai attack was the UPA Government’s weakness 

Congress leader Manish Tewari criticises his party in his new book

Editorial comment

Why did Manish Tewari take such a long to reveal this ? Why didn’t he comment at the same time when the wound was fresh ? It seems it is one of his marketing strategies for selling his book.

New Delhi – The Congress Leader Manish Tewari has criticised the UPA Government in his new book. He stated, “India should have strongly retaliated against Pakistan after the terrorist attack on Mumbai on 26th November 2008.

It was a time for kinetic response. A country like Pakistan brutally slaughters hundreds of innocent people and does not even regret the deed. And even after this, if we exercise restraint, then it is a sign of weakness.” More than 160 people lost their lives and more than 300 were injured in the 26/11 attack.