Afghan national stabbed two German citizens in Germany

Editorial comment

We realise from this that, religious fanatics, who may be from any Nation are dangerous for followers of other religions.

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Berlin (Germany) – An Afghan national stabbed a 58-year-old woman working as a gardener and another man who had attempted to help the woman, causing multiple injuries.

According to the report by the Express, the 28-year-old man had an objection to a woman doing the gardening job, thinking them unfit for that job, which depicts his Islamist mentality. The Police have arrested him and suspect that he suffers from mental health issues. The man had been living in Germany since 2016. Concerns are being raised that giving refuge to Afghan Nationals who are being evacuated and are not being scrutinised properly, pose a threat to the security of other Nations.

During 2015-16 in Iraq and Syria, lakhs of Muslim nationals were leaving to take refuge in European Nations to save themselves from the atrocities of the Islamic State. At that time, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel had adopted a policy to give shelter to the refugees. Not only this, every European Nation was being pressurised to welcome refugees then. According to the website ‘Euro News’, looking at the peril about the refugees of Afghanistan, Merkel had specified in the last month that they could not solve all problems by welcoming all.