Religious fanatics enter home of former Hindu Sarpanch and open fire

A woman died, 2 injured

It is an example which clearly demonstrates what happens if religious fanatics get in power. It is not expected that such incidents take place in Uttar Pradesh where devout Hindu Yogi Adityanath is in power !

Azamgarh (UP)- In Ishakpur village, religious fanatics retaliated against the previous Sarpanch Ramawadh Rajbhar by entering his house. They started firing in whicha woman was killed and 2 others injured. Ramawadh had defeated Faiz in 2010 elections. In the recent election, a candidate with the support of Faiz defeated Rajbhar. After the results were declared, some religious fanatics entered Rajbhar’s house and opened fire. The incident has caused tense atmosphere in the whole village. Heavy Police force has been deployed in the village.