Welfare Minister Gopal Bhargav’s advice to doctors in Narsimhapur’s (Madhya Pradesh) District Hospital regarding patients who are not going home from hospitals despite recovering!

“Tell patients, ’go home or else if you die here, it is not our responsibility’!”

Nationalists do not expect such statements from a minister belonging to the BJP Government. If patients are not prepared to go home, it is the responsibility of ministers to understand their difficulties and provide support. The Chief Minister ought to pay attention to this issue by realising that making such statements is anti-democratic.

Narsimhapur (M.P.) – Welfare Minister Gopal Bhargav visited the District Hospital here to review the covid-19 situation. Doctors then presented various problems that they are facing while treating covid-19 patients. The doctors said, “Many patients are not willing to return to their homes despite recovering. Since the number of patients is more, it has an impact on oxygen supply”. The minister responded by saying, “tell the patients, go home or else if you die here, it is not our responsibility. Stop providing services to the patients”. The minister’s statements are now going viral on social media.

Discussing the problems faced, the concerned doctors said, “Patients from all districts come here. We cannot prevent anyone as this is a government hospital. The patients who have recovered from corona are not going home. Even patients whose oxygen levels are 96-98 continue to stay here itself. We had given discharge to 20 patients. But only one of them has gone home. If patients who have recovered continue to stay in the hospital itself, where do we keep the patients who are serious? The patients fear that their oxygen levels may deteriorate after going home and hence they are not ready to go home.”