8 MPs suspended for one week for ruckus in the RS

No-confidence motion against Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha quashed.

  • If any citizen forcibly enters into any Government office and creates havoc by breaking the furniture, then he will be immediately arrested on charges of disturbing the Government work. How come members in the Parliament who involve in shouting and breaking the microphones, etc. are suspended only for one week ? Why does the same law not apply to the elected representatives of the people or are there any separate laws for them ?”
  • Why does the Government not make any laws which result in cancellation of the membership of such representatives who indulge in ruckus and wastage precious time and public money ? 

New Delhi – Chairman of the Rajya Sabha Venkaiah Naidu has suspended eight members for their unruly behaviour in the house with regard to the discussion on the Central Government’s Agricultural Bill. The MPs who were suspended are Trinamul Congress’s Derek O’Brien  and Dola Sen; Aam Aadmi Party’s Sanjay Singh: Congress’s Rajiv Satav, Ripun Bora and Syed Nasir Hussain; MKP’s K K Ragesh and Elamlaran Karim.

Opposition has created ruckus in the Parliament over passing of three bills –

(1). Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill;

(2). The Farmer’s (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill and

(3). The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill.

The Opposition came in the front of the Deputy Chairman’s seat and started shouting slogans, broke the microphone and tore the rules book and threw the pieces on the Deputy Chairman. The matter had been taken seriously and the members involved in such unruly behaviour were suspended. In addition to this the No-confidence motion issued by the opposition against the Deputy Chairman had been cancelled. The opposition had issued No-confidence motion against the Deputy Chairman because he had stayed the discussion on the Agricultural Bill and continued the proceedings in the house even after the stipulated time.