Sambhal (Uttar Pradesh) – During the violence on 24th November 2024, which erupted amid the survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid, a conspiracy was hatched to assassinate Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, who was representing the Hindu side in the case. Weapons were distributed to the rioters as part of the plot orchestrated by Sharik Satha. Another accomplice, Mulla Afroz, supplied the weapons. This revelation emerged during the interrogation of Waris, another member of Sharik Satha’s gang, who was arrested on 25th January 2025. During questioning, Waris admitted that he killed two Muslim youths by shooting them during the violence. The Police also seized a pistol, ammunition, and two mobile phones from him.
Violence in Sambhal (Uttar Pradesh): Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain was on the hit list!
• Accused Waris confesses to the plot.
• Waris had also killed two Muslim youths during the incident.📌 This incident highlights how those fighting for Hindu rights and leading such… pic.twitter.com/SRWXRkGpW5
— Sanatan Prabhat (@SanatanPrabhat) January 27, 2025
Waris disclosed that the Sharik Satha gang distributed weapons specifically to eliminate Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain. The gang had instructed its members to protect the mosque and assassinate Jain during the survey. Their ultimate aim was to trigger nationwide riots through this act of violence.
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