Srinagar (Jammu-Kashmir) – Neither the Union nor the State Government has so far done anything for resettling Hindus in Kashmir valley; therefore, Hindus have tried to take initiative in this regard and they have undertaken a drive for their permanent settlement in the valley for the community. They have registered a housing society for Kashmiri Hindus for the first time and in four days, 500 Kashmiri Hindus from all over the country have contacted this society.
1. The society has taken up to help its members in acquiring land and loans at low interest for houses. It will work for only those who would join the society.
2. Presently, the society has 9 migrated, 2 non-migrated Hindus and a Sikh member. Three of them recently met Union (State) Home Minister Nityanand Rai and informed him about registering such a housing society. They also demanded grant of land for housing Kashmiri Hindu families.
3. Satish Mahaldar, a Kashmiri Hindu, stated that in the first phase, the Government has been requested to give the land in Srinagar. They were driven out of Srinagar 35 years ago but their dilapidated houses are still there; therefore, they would prefer to first settle there. Kashmiri Hindu families working under the Prime Minister’s employment package, cannot always stay in the transit accommodations. Now, such families are also joining the society and soon their number will grow in thousands.
Union Govt has no scheme for our resettlement – Sanjay Tickoo, a member of Kashmiri Hindu society
Sanjay Tickoo, a member of Kashmiri Hindu society, stated that they have been a part of manifestos of political parties for the last 35 years, but there is no policy for their resettlement. On inquiry with the Union Minister Nityanand Rai, it was found that there has been no such resettlement policy. (Editorial Perspective : Hindus don’t expect such inaction. ) We have, therefore, taken initiative in resettling Kashmiri Hindus. We will soon meet the State Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.
In 1990, 64,827 families fled away !
As per the Home Ministry’s data, presently, 775 Kashmiri Hindu families stay in Kashmir. In 1990, 64,827 families left their homes. Out of them, 43,618 families migrated to Jammu while 19,338 families shifted to New Delhi. Other families are staying in different States in the country.
Editorial PerspectiveHindus don’t expect Kashmiri Hindus have to do something that actually the Government should have done. |