Muslims run campaign for Islamic propaganda in schools and colleges in Solapur

Solapur, Maharashtra – Students Islamic Organisation 0f India has started a campaign in schools to spread Islam. In this campaign, they are distributing Marathi copies of Quran covering subjects like, what is sacred Quran, Importance of Quran and Quran guide for humanity. The lectures in schools and colleges, about these subjects are being held. This campaign has started from 21stSeptember and will go on till 5thOctober. Eminent personalities from the society are attending theses lectures.

To inform about this campaign in a press conference, Khan, the President of SIOI, said that Quran is useful for the all-round development of human beings.

Editorial Perspectives

  • The secularists and the communists started screaming that saffonisation (Hindu) of education is being done when it was announced that Bhagwadgeeta will be a part of school curriculum. Now when the green colour (Islamisation) has entered education, these people are hiding in burrows. Please note that media also does not give coverage to such islamisation news.
  • The only alternative is that Hindus need to be educated about Hindu Dharma. That is the only way to awaken Hindu pride. Once that happens, no one will dare to convert them.