Pakistani films and artists must be banned in Maharashtra : Amey Khopkar, President, MNS Cinema Wing

MNS film sena president Amey Khopkar

Mumbai – Maharashtra will not tolerate Pakistani films and actors; they will be prohibited from working in the state. Amey Khopkar, President of MNS Cinema Wing, announced that their films will not be allowed to be screened. (Congratulations to Amey Khopkar, who took a firm stance on Pakistanis ! – Editor) He also said that he would protest in this regard.

Amey Khopkar added, “They aim to release a Pakistani film nationwide. We’ve informed all theaters about our position. Why do we need anything from Pakistan ? Don’t we have enough talent of our own ? You attack us, and you think we’ll cultivate Pakistani artists here ? We will fight to stop this in every way possible.”

Editorial Perspective

All political parties should adopt a national perspective. If that happens, Pakistanis will not have the courage to step into India !