Will work for Hindutva even if Owaisi becomes the Maharashtra CM : Adv. Sanjeev Punalekar

Advocate Sanjeev Punalekar

Mumbai – Advocate Sanjeev Punalekar, National Secretary of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad and a Bombay High Court lawyer, asserted that their commitment to Hindutva remains steadfast, irrespective of political changes. Speaking at a special programme organised by Sanatan Sanstha on August 20th at Kitte Bhandari Auditorium in Dadar (West), Advocate Punalekar said, “Our Hindutva is Sanatan and rooted in truth. While some political leaders claim they will work for Hindutva if they come to power, our dedication to protecting Hindutva will continue, even if Owaisi becomes the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.” The event was organised to discuss the topic of ‘Eradication of Superstition or Hidden Urban Naxalism ?’. It featured speeches from Sanatan Sanstha’s Dharmapracharak Abhay Vartak and eminent surgeon Dr Amit Thadhani.

Advocate Sanjeev Punalekar added, “Those who are against Hindu Rashtra are opposing us and those whose Hindutva is political are also opposing us. Nawab Malik is walking with Ajit Pawar; but those who are political Hindus are not ready to talk about it. Democracy has failed. Jihadis are increasing day by day. When Jihadis attack Hindus, we cannot fight them democratically. At that time, saying our democracy is great, our constitution is great etc. will not help. Hindus will have to fight on the streets to defend themselves against the attackers on the streets. Hindus must be prepared for this. Democracy is over. Now only the cremation remains. Jihadis are desperate to end democracy. Hence, not fighting is not an option anymore. There is no point saying ‘I have a driving license’ when the car is broken down. A mechanic has to be called to repair the car. We do not support violence; but if there is suppression of oneself, one has to fight against it.”

Hindus are not Jihadis !

Advocate Punalekar further said that Hindus are not terrorists. Gandhi was assassinated by Pandit Nathuram Godse. Had Gandhi died earlier by any other reason, Godse would not have killed anyone else. Pandit Nathuram Godse did not have enmity with Gandhiji; but thinking that if Gandhi lives, India will be further fragmented; he killed Gandhi. If Ajmal Kasab had not been able to attack Mumbai, he would have attacked elsewhere, because his intention was ‘Jihad’. The answer to Jihad is the use of military force against it.