Is it an oath or a conspiracy ?

We have often seen oaths being taken for the very fullfilment of political objectives; but in the recent 1-2 months, the country has witnessed a strange phenomenon of politicising this oath ceremony. A few (fanatic) newly elected MPs to the 18th Lok Sabha and some MLAs in the State Assemblies, have transformed their swearing-in into a drama. Hafizul Hasan, the MLA of the ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha in Jharkhand, recently took the oath of his office. The controversial aspect was that he began his oath by reciting the first verse of the Quran. Actually, politicising of oath has started with the AIMIM (All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen) supremo Asaduddin Owaisi. While taking oath in Parliament, he performed an unconstitutional act of saying ‘Jai Palestine’ and sparked a controversy. Although a complaint has been lodged with the President of India against Owaisi, no action has been taken against him yet. On the contrary, when BJP MPs objected to his hailing of Palestine, Owaisi said, “I have not said anything wrong, so how can my hailing be unconstitutional ? Show me if there is such a provision in the Constitution !” This is arrogance at its worst !

MLA Hasan of Jharkhand imitated the arrogance. In fact, Hasan went a step ahead and made full use of Urdu mixed words while taking the oath. Listening to it, one will wonder if it is the oath of an MLA in India or Pakistan.

The Constitution has clear guidelines on how people’s representatives should take an oath. The format is fixed. When they do not take the oath according to the Constitution, how will they be loyal to the Constitution ?

What is Hasan trying to achieve by deliberately mixing Urdu words in his oath ? What is his agenda in doing so ? All this went on in front of the Governor, who did not object either. Strictest of actions should be initiated immediately against such elements. If strict action had been taken against Owaisi in the Parliament, Hasan would not have dared to take the oath in the manner he did. The possibility of any action against Hasan is next to none. Therefore, he could be the trend-setter for such oaths, and if this happens, it will be a greater dishonour of the Constitution.

It is better not to think about the manner in which such representatives, who dishonour the Constitution right under the nose of the Honourable President of India or Governor, would be behaving with the electorate.

The controversy about MLA Hasan does not end here; in fact, a video of Hasan adjusting his towel while the National Anthem was being played after the swearing-in ceremony, has gone viral. The MLA does not seem to have an iota of regret about this insult. Insulting the National Anthem is no less an insult to the Nation. Will these elements, who flaunt their disrespect to the National Anthem, ever show even a little of patriotism ? Such traitors can not be expected to sow the seeds of patriotism in the subjects. In fact, persecution of the patriots will come naturally to them, and this possibility is very likely. Unfortunately, such people are thrust on people as people’s representatives in a Democracy.

What a sad state of affairs … anyone gets up and insults the Nation thus; some people openly favour the enemy Nation Pakistan, others wave Pakistan’s flag, praise Palestine, etc. All this and yet, no action against such traitors. When the Government itself is unconcerned about such happenings, how will these stop ? As for Hasan, after reciting verses from the Quran in his oath, he immediately dishonoured the National Anthem. This is a perfect illustration of the working style and direction of the Hasans in store for us.

Need to improve as per the prevailing times

The meaning of the word ‘oath’ is deep. The word itself is sacred, its responsibility is even more. An oath is a commitment to be conscientious in fulfilling duties.

The present oath has a line that reads – ‘I swear that I will have true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as established by law, to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India’. Which of these words have been abided by Owaisi and Hasan ? On the one hand, such representatives take an oath to uphold the integrity of India, even as they strengthen those who declare that India will be split into parts.

In general, if such representatives do not want to maintain the sanctity of this oath, then the word ‘oath’ should be omitted from the Parliamentary functioning and replaced by some other term such as ‘Reading the lines’, etc.; simply because the rulers have destroyed the dignity of the word ‘oath’.

In view of all this, there is a need to at least amend the oath taken in Parliament and Legislature. It should now be worded to this effect – ‘If I do not fulfil my obligation or duty to help the citizens as their representative, if I resort to appeasing any class, do injustice, indulge in corruption, hooliganism or any immoral act,
my membership will be terminated forever’. Psychology says that man fears punishment. Conversely, people’s representatives have no fear once they are elected. Once they take the oath, they get a protective cover just like the kavachkundal of Karna (of Mahabharat), and then they behave arrogantly of not being answerable to anyone. Therefore, there is an urgent need to enact a strict law with provisions for termination of membership of Parliament/Legislature. At least out of fear of law, people’s representatives will behave properly !

Is it an Anti-national plot ?

Owaisi said ‘Jai Palestine’. Almost immediately in the Parliament, Rahul Gandhi called Hindus violent. This was followed by Hasan taking the oath with Urdu-mixed words. We just cannot ignore the picture that emerges by collating these events. There is every reason to suspect that this is a conspiracy against the Nation. Hence, we should go to the root of these events.

Even if the Union or State Governments tolerate such anti-national acts as political inevitability, citizens should not tolerate them. They should unitedly force the respective Government to terminate the membership of such representatives.

Will the people’s representatives who take oaths by reciting verses from the Quran ever act in a secular manner ?

Will the people’s representatives who take oaths by reciting verses from the Quran ever act in a secular manner ?