Religious fanatics attack gorakshaks and the Police in Navi Mumbai

(Symbolic Picture)

Navi Mumbai – In the Taloja area, a calf was being held captive at a location. When gorakshaks and 4-5 Police personnel arrived and asked to open the door, 10 to 15 religious fanatics attacked them. Despite the Police being present, the fanatics assaulted the gorakshaks. The Police did not take any action against the fanatics; instead, many fanatics gathered and chased away the gorakshaks and the Police from there. The video of the entire incident has been circulated. Gorakshaks Kailas Repale, Vishal Bind, Pratik Nanavare, and Tejas Patil were attacked by the fanatics. A case has been registered against 7 fanatics at the Taloja Police Station.

The gorakshaks had received information that some fanatics were planning to slaughter cows and sell beef on the occasion of Muharram. Accordingly, the gorakshaks, along with Taloja Police, conducted a raid at the location. They found some cows tied up without food and water, and some individuals were also found selling beef.

Editorial Perspectives

  • How can the Police, who get beaten up by the religious fanatics, protect the public ?
  • With no fear of the law or Police, religious fanatics are increasingly engaging in criminal activities, aggression, arrogance, cattle smuggling, and attacks on Hindus. The Government is not taking this seriously. To change this situation, it is critical to establish the Hindu Rashtra.