The Sri Lankan Govt’s decision to lift the ban on Chinese spy vessels

India’s headache will increase

Colombo, Sri Lanka – Chinese spy ships repeatedly tried to enter Sri Lankan waters, but it was banned by the Sri Lankan Government. Now the Sri Lankan Government has decided to lift this ban. Due to this decision of Sri Lanka, India’s headache will increase. According to the Japanese media, Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister Ali Sabri informed ‘NHK World Japan’ about its decision to lift the ban.

1. The Indian government had expressed concern over the increasing movement of Chinese research vessels in the Indian Ocean, suspected to be spy ships.

2. India appealed to Sri Lanka not to allow such ships to enter its ports. Accordingly, Sri Lanka banned foreign research ships from entering its ports.

3. Sabri said he did not want to get involved in disputes of others. Therefore Sri Lanka will not ban foreign research vessels from its ports from next year. Two Chinese ships were allowed to enter Sri Lankan ports earlier.

Editorial Perspective

Sri Lanka calls itself ‘Friend of India’, but due to China’s pressure, it bends backwards and takes an anti-India decision. Keeping this in mind, India must prepare to retaliate.