Jeans and T-shirts now banned in Acharya College in Chembur

Ban on wearing religious dress

Image: Jeans and T-shirts banned

Mumbai – An official notice by Acharya Marathe College in Chembur stated the students wearing jeans would not be allowed to enter the college premises. Earlier on 26thJune, the Bombay High Court had ruled that the ban on Hijab imposed by Acharya College is valid. The notice also stated that male students should come to college in formal attire. The female students were allowed to wear ethnic or Western dress. However, any dress which revealed their religion would not be allowed, the notice stated. “Students can wear half shirt or full shirt and trouser. Girls can wear any Indian or Western outfit. Students shall not wear any dress which reveals religion or shows cultural disparity,” the notice read. “Nakab, Hizab, Burkha, Stole, Cap, Badge etc shall be removed while going to common rooms on the ground floor and then only they can move throughout college campus. Torn jeans, T-shirts, revealing dresses and jerseys are not allowed,” it stated.

Ateeque Khan from Govandi Citizens Association said, “Last year they banned hijab. This year they have banned jeans and t-shirts which are very commonly worn by not only college- going youngsters but by all irrespective of religion and gender. So, banning it is impractical. A ban on wearing jeans-t-shirt is being imposed in the name of dress code.”

Students should wear decent clothes – Principal Dr Lele, Acharya College

Principal of the College Dr Lele said, “We just want students to wear decent clothes. We have not brought in any uniform, but have asked them to wear formal Indian or western clothes. After all, they will be expected to wear those once they are employed.”

“We inform the students about the dress code at the time of admission; but now they are asking questions or expressing concern about it, How come ? Out of 365 days in a year, students come to college for 120 to 130 days. What is the problem with them following the dress code these days ?”

Editorial Perspective

Congratulations to Acharya College for taking the laudable decision to recommend dress in Indian style ! All colleges should take a lesson from this and accept Indian dress.