Execution of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav was impeccable!

An opinion expressed after attending the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav 2024
Vitthal Chaudhary, President, Youth for Panun Kashmir, Delhi

Dear Shri Kartik ji,


I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to express my profound gratitude for inviting me to the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Utsav. It was an immense honor and privilege to be part of such a momentous event.

From the moment I arrived, I was overwhelmed by the sewa bhaav (selfless service) demonstrated by all the sadhaks. The dedication, humility, and warmth with which they welcomed and assisted every participant were truly inspiring. Their commitment to service not only ensured the smooth functioning of the event but also created an atmosphere of love and unity that resonated throughout the conference. It was a vivid reminder of the timeless values that our culture and traditions uphold.

One of the most memorable aspects of the Utsav was the personal meeting with HH Sadguru Shri Athawale ji. His graciousness and wisdom during our conversation deeply touched me. The insights and blessings he shared were profoundly enlightening and have left a lasting impact on my spiritual journey. To have the opportunity for a one-on-one meeting with such a revered spiritual leader is something I will always cherish.

The organization and execution of the entire conference were impeccable. Every session was meticulously planned and executed, reflecting the hard work and dedication of the organizing team. The thought-provoking discussions, insightful presentations, and the overall decorum were commendable. I extend my humble salutations to you and everyone involved in orchestrating such a successful and impactful event.

This was my very first experience attending the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Utsav, and it has left an indelible mark on my heart. The event has not only deepened my understanding and commitment to our cause but has also filled me with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. The unity and collective resolve demonstrated by all attendees were truly inspiring, and it gave me immense hope for the future.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, Shri Ramesh Shinde ji, for the invitation and for the opportunity to be part of such a significant and transformative event. Your leadership and vision continue to inspire us all, and I am grateful for your guidance and support.

May we continue to work together towards the realization of our shared vision and may our collective efforts bear fruit for the greater good of our community and our nation.


With deepest regards and gratitude,

​Vithal Chowdhary

(President, Youth for Panun Kashmir, Delhi)