Hindu society can be saved if the teachings of Lord Krishna are put into practice : Giridhar Mamidi, Akhil Bharateeya Toli Sadasya

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Protection of Hindutva

Giridhar Mamidi, Akhil Bharateeya Toli Sadasya, Prajna Pravah, Telangana

Ramnath Devasthan – British disarmed the Hindus. The weapons Hindus had were snatched away. The idea that the right to use arms belongs only to the government, not to the people was imposed on the Hindus. As a result, Hindu society became completely disarmed, but this rule did not apply to Muslims. That is why Pakistani infiltrators killed 20 to 30 thousand Hindus in Rajouri in Kashmir in 1947. The Moplah massacre took place in Kerala where Hindus were killed. Many such massacres of Hindus were perpetrated by Muslims. We have forgotten the teachings of Bhagwan Shrikrishna. If we remember and implement the teachings of Shrikrishna then we will be able to protect the Hindu society asserted Giridhar Mamidi (Akhil Bharateeya Toli Sadasya, Prajna Pravah, Telangana). He was speaking on the need for India to have Kshatratej

He further said that every year Muslims used to foment riots during Ganesh Visarjan (immersion) procession in Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad). Just one year the Hindus gave them a befitting reply. The riots stopped completely. Hindu society can only be saved if Hindus start retaliating.

Conversion can be stalled if schemes for minorities are shut down – Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay

Advocate Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay, Supreme Court

Central Government has 200 schemes that encourage conversion. There are 500 schemes for minorities in India, including state-level schemes. Apart from these there are other schemes for minorities. These schemes for minorities are funded from Hindu tax monies. All these schemes are encouraging conversion. ‘Schemes for minorities’ are a means of converting poor Hindus with the money of rich Hindus, said Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay (Supreme Court). He was speaking on Ram Rajya and the Indian Constitution.

Other important points from Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay’s speech

We condemn the Congress, but the anti-national laws they made still exist!

Why is the holy land in which Hindu Deities like Shrikrishna, Shriram, Shri Hanuman incarnated, suffering from bomb blasts, fundamentalism, love jihad, and cow slaughter? There are solutions to these man-made problems. Many Hindu activists were killed in the country, but no one has been severely punished. Love jihad, conversion are still going on in the country. This is because criminals no longer fear the law. It is the job of government and administration to create fear of law. I have petitioned the court against religious conversion, but 10 people have counter filed to cancel my petition. We just keep getting the next date. A law to prevent this could be passed in the parliament within a day. It is the first duty of statesmen and administration to solve these problems. Better laws need to be made to solve this problem. The Emergency was wrong, then the constitutional changes made at that time are also invalid. The Mughals and the British did not come to India for power but to propagate religion. Their laws are still applicable in India. We condemn the Congress, but the anti-national laws made by Congress are still there in India.

All signs of slavery should be legally destroyed!

Delhi has streets named after invaders like Humayun, Babur, Ghazni, however, the names of Arjuna, Bhima, Yudhishthira who showed their prowess in Mahabharata are not visible. All symbols of slavery in India should be collectively destroyed by way of legislation. We call Congress traitorous, but the anti-national laws passed by them have not been repealed yet. Places of Worship Act, Waqf Act should be repealed.

We need a law clarifying Indian citizenship!

The Constitution says that all citizens of India are equal, so why discriminate on the basis of religion? The confusion in the Constitution should be removed. The words Dharma and religion should be clearly defined in the constitution. We don’t have a law to denaturalise (revoke citizenship) the jihadis found in India. Legislation clarifying who is an Indian citizen needs to be implemented first.

Grateful to see the efforts of the workers of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti!

The work of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is very good. We are blessed to be here and see the hard work of the Samiti volunteers. If the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti calls me anywhere, anytime, I will take time out of other work to be present, said Advocate Ashwini Upadhyay.

It is necessary to organise and raise your voice to strengthen the ‘Hindu Ecosystem’! – Dr. Vaidehi Tamhan

Dr. Vaidehi Tamhan, Editor-in-Chief, Afternoon Voice, Mumbai

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is doing a great job of organising Hindus. Due to this, there was an attempt to attack their very existence. Activists of the Samiti were wronged. We tried to raise our voice against this injustice through the Afternoon Voice magazine. There should be small initiatives to bring the Hindus together. It is necessary to organise and raise the voice to strengthen the Hindu Ecosystem, asserted Dr Vaidehi Tamhan (Editor-in-Chief, Afternoon Voice). She was speaking on the efforts required to build an ecosystem of the high society.

She further said that whoever is following Hindu Dharma, whether he is a Muslim, we should respect him. They are also a part of Hindu ecosystem. We should be united and serve Dharma. People who have strayed from Hindu Dharma should be brought back. Sanskars should be started from home and gradually spread in the society. We must step forward to protect Saints, Dharma, and fundamental rights. Hindus should unite and resolve to promote Hindu Dharma.

Attack is the best form of defence- Suresh Chavhanke, Chief Editor, Sudarshan News

Suresh Chavhanke, Chief Editor, Sudarshan News

After the results of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, there has been an increase in attacks on Hindus. More cows have been slaughtered in the days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath, than were slaughtered in the last 5 years. The pace of attacks on Hindus is not going to slow down, it is going to increase. So Hindus will have to show their strength. Hindus must respond in kind to stop the attacks on Hindus, otherwise it will be unmanageable in future. Attack is the best form of defence, asserted Suresh Chavhanke (Chief Editor, Sudarshan News). He was addressing the attendees on the challenges faced by Hindu organisations and solutions to these challenges, on the concluding day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024).

Suresh Chavanke further said, “If a religious fanatic is even jostled, thousands of his coreligionists flock together. On the contrary, if a crisis befalls a Hindu, even 100 Hindus of that area do not come together. For this, everyone has to become a bahubali (strongman) in their area. We focus on beautifying Hindu temples. Rather, it is necessary to see how thousands of Hindus will unite if an announcement is made from a temple loudspeaker in times of crisis. At present the population of Hindus is decreasing, while that of Muslims is increasing rapidly. For that, a Population Regulation Act is required. Instead, it is time to change the name of this Act to Muslim Population Regulation Act. If this law is not implemented, the results of the Lok Sabha elections in 2029 will be worse than what was seen this year. All devout Hindus should demand that the laws against love jihad, conversion and cow slaughter be implemented at the national level and not at the state level. Just as people accept things like GST, they will accept such laws.”

Other points from the speech

1. It has been 12 years since the Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan started in Goa. Thousands of full-time Hindu activists are a product of these Adhiveshans. Inspired by this Adhiveshan, lakhs of Hindus saved from conversion, lakhs of Hindu girls are now aware of Love Jihad and protected from it, lakhs of cows were saved from slaughter, thousands of acres of land was saved from Land Jihad

2. 1,828 criminal cases citing hate speech have been filed against me. Even criminals like Dawood Ibrahim who have a far more serious criminal background don’t have so many cases against them.

3. Hindus voted, that is why BJP has 240 MPs. They must pay attention to the problems of Hindus.


Suresh Chavhanke said that just as devout Hindu MLA Raja Singh brought his son to this Hindu Mahotsav, other devout Hindus should also bring their children next year.

Knowledge of the enemy and pride for history indispensable for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra! – Meenakshi Sharan

Meenakshi Sharan, Founder, Ayodhya Foundation, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale (Founder of Sanatan Sanstha) has foresight. His aim is to establish a Hindu Rashtra in India and lead the whole world to a Hindu Rashtra which will work for the welfare of the entire world. It is inevitable that we need to have Shatrubodh (knowledge of the enemy) and pride for one’s history said Meenakshi Sharan (Founder, Ayodhya Foundation). She was speaking on the responsibility of women and Hindus in case a 1947 like situation arises.

She said, “In India, Hindus do not react to ‘love jihad’ and ‘cow slaughter’. 3 crore cattle are slaughtered in India every year, but Hindus do not collectively raise their voice on this. Most of the youth are disassociated from this. It is because they have no sense of Dharma or the enemy. Hindu society has also become alienated from Dharma.

Hindus are not proud of their ancient history. Hindus are silent despite their Saints being denigrated. Hindus are stuck in Artha and Kama. In some parts of India, the Hindu population is dwindling rapidly. 5 million Hindus were killed in Pakistan after partition. Hindus there had to give up property worth Rs. 1,400 crores. On the other hand, after the creation of Pakistan, 13-14 more Pakistans are on the way in India. India is on the verge of partition again. In order to increase the faith of Hindus towards their own culture, we have started a programme of lighting lamps in temples in Himachal Pradesh. We worship the Deities in the neglected temples and light the lamps.”