30 Muslims convert to Hindu Dharma in Indore (Madhya Pradesh)

30 Muslims formally convert to Hinduism

Indore (Madhya Pradesh) – 30 Muslims ritually converted to Hindu Dharma at the Khajrana temple here. Sacrificial fire (Yadnya) was also performed here at the time. All those who entered Hindu Dharma participated in it. Earlier these 30 persons bathed in the holy water of the Ganga along with the water of 10 different rivers of the country and cow urine. They have applied to the Collector of Indore to legalise their conversion. Their entry into Hindu Dharma took place under the patronage of the leaders of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

Malwa regional chief of VHP Santosh Sharma said that all of them had voluntarily converted to Hindu Dharma. They had approached the VHP with the desire to return to Hindu Dharma. After that, the specific rituals necessary for conversion were arranged for them. All these people were Muslims by birth and have now become Hindus. He also added that there are many more people waiting to get converted to Hindu Dharma and the VHP would help them convert soon.