It is necessary to create more Saints for the spread of Dharma : Balasubramaniam, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 :Efforts to create awareness about Dharma in rural areas

Balasubramaniam, Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – Earlier, Hindus used to receive Sanskars (values) from temples. It is no longer the case due to government policies. So these sanskars can be obtained from Ashrams. The Saints and Mahatmas in the Ashram provide answers to people’s questions on Dharma, and the presence of a Saint or Mahatma in the village brings about a good change in the atmosphere. Therefore, more and more Saints should be created to spread Dharma in the society, said Balasubramaniam (Director, Mangaltirth Estate and Brookfield Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu) on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav.

He said, “Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata etc. have reached us without even a single word undergoing any change. This happened only because of the Guru-disciple tradition. So we should respect the Guru-disciple tradition. It is our responsibility to pass on this precious knowledge to the next generation. Knowledge in our Dharma is our culture. Before British rule, there were lakhs of Gurukuls in India. So the society was receiving education on Dharma and moral values. Today rampant conversions are a result of lack of education on Dharma. Swami Vivekananda had said, ‘If children do not go to schools, schools should be brought to them’, we started Ekal Vidyalayas (single teacher school) in villages to provide education to forest dwellers. These schools impart a value based education to village children in a natural environment. In this way, 70 thousand Ekal Vidyalayas are running across the country.”