God protected us while we protected cows : Satish Kumar, Goraksha Dal and Rashtriya Sanghatan Mantri

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 3 – National Security and Protection of Dharma

Satish Kumar, National President, Goraksha Dal and Rashtriya Sanghatan Mantri, Shri Hindu Takht, Punjab

Goa – If the cow is saved, the world will be saved. The government will do its job. If we want to serve the nation, Dharma, and cows, we have to fight. The war of Dharma and Adharma is definitely going to happen. One day Hindus will have to face life or death struggles, so they have to prepare themselves now. Cow slaughter and slaughterhouses have still not stopped in India. The troubles of gorakshaks have not reduced. Even today gorakshaks are arrested. We were attacked numerous times when protecting cows, but God protected us every time. If we protect God, Dharma, nation and cow, we will get happiness. We demand that the government should declare the cow as the National Animal and stop cow slaughter, asserted Satish Kumar, the National President of the Goraksha Dal. He was speaking on the third day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav here.

Satish Kumar’s efforts to practice spirituality while in jail

I was in jail for 3 years for my goraksha (protection of cows) work. There I chanted the name of God and also authored 5 books. The day I was put in jail was Shrikrushna Janmashtami. Death is inevitable. That trouble is related to the body, not the mind. Therefore, if you want to serve Dharma, then set aside fear.

For the past few years, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has been trying to establish a Hindu Rashtra in India. The demand for Hindu Rashtra started from the ‘Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan’ being held in this land of Goa. Now the demand for Hindu Rashtra is rising all over the country. – Satish Kumar, National President, Goraksha Dal.