Establishing ‘Hindu Economic Forum’ to empower Hindu businessmen : Mr Deepak Rajgopal, VHP

Mr Deepak Rajgopal, National Treasurer, Vishwa Hindu Parishad

Vidyadhiraj Hall, Goa – In earlier times, India used to trade with various countries. At that time, despite not having modern technology, India’s Gross National Product was 28%. Indian products were sold overseas. Today many traditionally Hindu businesses are being done by other sects. To stop it, Vishwa Hindu Parishad established the ‘Hindu Economic Forum’. Through this forum Hindu businessmen are united and empowered. ‘Hindu Economic Forum’ is functioning in 56 countries and so far conferences of the Forum have been held in 10 countries. Many big industrialists have participated in them, informed the National Treasurer of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Mr Deepak Rajgopal on the third day of the ‘Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav’. He was speaking on the topic ‘The importance of promoting Hindu Unity among Hindu Organisations’.