We must achieve something significant during the centenary year of the Sangh starting next year: RSS Chief

H.H. Sarsanghchalak Mohanji Bhagwat

Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) – H.H. Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Ji Bhagwat, of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), stated that something significant must be accomplished during the centenary year of the Sangh, beginning next year. He made this statement while speaking at an RSS event.

The H.H. Sarsanghchalak stated:

We must establish a branch in every village. People from every class, community, and religion should be connected to the branch. By 2025, there should not be a single village in the country where the RSS does not exist. To preserve Indian culture, the Sangh must reach every village. We must maintain discipline in our language and conduct while reaching out to everyone.

Whenever the country faced any crisis, volunteers bravely faced it. However, some people try to create a negative image of the Sangh in society. We must stay away from such individuals.