Fanatical Muslims in Baleshwar (Odisha) attack Hindus in front of the policemen

Baleshwar (Odisha) – A Hindu organisation protested after drain water turned red on the day of Bakri Eid due to the killing of animals in Sunahat area here. For this, the Muslims attacked the Hindus in front of Policemen. This situation led to heightened tension. The Police officers and journalists sustained injuries as a result of intense stone pelting during this incident. A curfew had to be imposed in the area, with a substantial deployment of Police forces.

On 17th June, the afternoon of Bakri Eid, some residents observed red-coloured water flowing in a stream near their settlement. The issue was promptly reported to the Police. The Police collected samples of the red-coloured water and sent them to a laboratory for testing. Alleging that this water was from animals slaughtered by Muslims during Eid, members of a Hindu organisation began protesting on the main road. Subsequently, Muslims also arrived at the scene.

During the argument with Hindu activists, Muslims began pelting stones at them in the presence of the Policemen. Many people were injured, and vehicles and TV news channel cameras were damaged during the incident.

The Police managed to regain control by driving away the fanatic Muslims involved. It is reported that no arrests have been made in connection with this incident so far.

Editorial Perspective

  • Stone-pelting by Muslims in front of the Police shows that they are not afraid of them or of the law. Can Hindus ever be safe in such a situation ? Hindus should think about this seriously.
  • Now that there is a BJP Government in Odisha, Hindus hope that such incidents will not take place again in the State and those who instigate such riots will be punished severely.