Attacks on Christians’ homes in Pakistan over alleged blasphemy

Islamabad (Pakistan) – In the Mujahid Colony of Sargodha in Pakistan’s Punjab province, a mob of radical Muslims attacked Christians’ homes, accusing them of blasphemy on the Quran. The police rescued two Christian families from the angry mob and arrested 15 people in connection with the incident. Additional police forces have been deployed to maintain order. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has expressed concern over the incident.

A Christian named Nasir and another individual were accused of burning the Quran, prompting the Muslim community to attack the homes of local Christians. During the attack, doors and windows of the homes were broken, and household items were set on fire. Nasir’s shoe factory was also targeted and set ablaze. Nasir was severely beaten, leaving him in critical condition and hospitalized. Raahat Austin and Mahesh Vasu, who work for minority rights in Pakistan, provided information about this incident to the “Sanatan Prabhat” representative. Several videos of the incident have been circulated on social media.

Editorial Perspective

The existence of Christians and Hindus in Pakistan in the coming years is in jeopardy, and no country in the world is speaking out about it.