5,000 houses of Hindus and Buddhists burnt in the civil war in Myanmar

Burnt houses of Hindus and Buddhists (Credits : The Indian Express)

Yangon (Myanmar) – Myanmar’s months-long civil war has taken a dire turn and the situation is worsening. The situation is most critical in Rakhine state. A fierce war is going on here between the Myanmar army and ethnic rebel groups. The military conflict has now turned into religious tension and its consequences are being felt by Hindus and Buddhists living in the area. An estimated 5,000 houses of Hindus and Buddhists have been burnt in Buthidaung here. Most of the people here have already left the area and fled to safety. As a result, many houses became vacant; but some people still live here. These houses were looted and then burnt in front of them. These houses were burnt from 11th April to 21st April. Buthidaung is now under the complete control of the rebel ethnic group Arakan Army. Rohingya Muslims are a part of this army.

Editorial Perspective

When Hindus in India are not protected; how will Hindus abroad be protected ?