Heavy rains in Afghanistan kill 315 people

More than 1,600 people injured, while 2,000 lost their houses

Afghanistan floods (Credits : Reuters)

Kabul (Afghanistan) – The Taliban’s ministry for refugees said, the death toll from flooding in northern Afghanistan has reached 315, with more than 1,600 people have been injured.

The toll was announced on Sunday, a day after the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). Many others remained missing, with authorities scrambling to rescue the injured. In last month, nine people died after houses collapsed due to heavy rains and floods in Afghanistan’s Helmand and Kajaki districts.

Afghanistan floods (Credits : Pragativadi)

It has been raining heavily in Afghanistan for the past two weeks. The cities Badakhshan, Baghlan, Ghor and Herat as the worst hit. ‘The extensive devastation’ had resulted in ‘significant financial losses.’ The Taliban Government has asked international organisations to help without delay. If these organisations do not help, the Taliban say, thousands of people will die.

Currently, many states in Afghanistan are without electricity. People have no food, no drinking water, no shelter, no blankets, nothing at all, floods have destroyed everything. The survivors are struggling to cope.