Responsibilities of ‘Spiritual heirs’ of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale – Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil

This article tells about the Divine mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale and responsibilities of His spiritual heir ‘Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’…

Spiritual experiences of seekers regarding the oneness among Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil

Shrisatshakti takes care of the spiritual practice of seekers, Shrichitshakti travels to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !

To implement the perspectives of spiritual practice under all circumstances it is essential to perform spiritual practice at the level of the subconscious mind : Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal

We should make efforts with such yearning that God should feel that the seekers are now eligible for the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Only then He will bestow ‘Hindu Rashtra’ on us.