Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale keeping awake the whole night with the seekers and inspiring them to perform seva
Inspiring incidences by Mr. Ghanshyam Gawde which shows unconditional love of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale towards seekers…
Inspiring incidences by Mr. Ghanshyam Gawde which shows unconditional love of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale towards seekers…
This article illustrates examples of Priti of Paratpar Guru(Dr.) Athavale…
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale reads various topics. If He does not know about some aspect, He learns about it.
This article shows unique way though which Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale moulds seekers by asking questions about seemingly insignificant aspects of seva and other things…
This article is written by H.H. Shivaji Vatkar as an offering unto the Holy feet of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, who is a form of Shri Vishnu…
It is because of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s yearning to obtain Knowledge that information in the form of Knowledge, which would suffice to publish over 8,000 Holy texts, is already in Sanatan’s collection.
Divine knowledge imparted by Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil about spiritual science behind emergence of pink shade on Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s slippers due to the contact …
This article gives spiritual guidance by H.H. K Umesh Shenoy where He has guided about how Divine and unique is Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s technique of moulding seekers…
This article shows how despite of being Omniscient Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale still is curious about everything and always is in the learning mode…
This articles showcases some Divine aspects of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s conduct and how He takes care of everyone…