Shri. Ram Swarup ji : The greatest Hindu intellectual of post-Independent India
Unquestioning subservience to authority is one of the greatest threats to an active, and moral, intellectual life !
Unquestioning subservience to authority is one of the greatest threats to an active, and moral, intellectual life !
Hinduism would happily integrate Buddhism as one more branch of the vast Sanatan Dharma, if Buddhists allowed it !
Atheism of intellectuals with Hindu names comes to a halt on the steps of a mosque and bows at the pew of a church !
God gives man a chance to get liberated from the debt of ancestors through the ritual that gives momentum to ancestors’ onward journey and by chanting the Name of Deity Dattatreya (II Shri Gurudev Datta II).
Due to the Chaitanya in the kumkum, the negative energy of the lady seekers with spiritual distress reduced or was nullified and their positive energy increased
Since Kartikputri has embarked on Divine journeys in various capacities, these journeys have a lot of importance !
The dissolution of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s mind and intellect allows Her to remain in communion with God !
It is because of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s hard work that the efforts of seekers get spiritual strength !
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil has performed significant work in the spiritual field and is going to perform exceptional and Divine work in the future too