Putin may be killed if he withdraws from the Ukraine war

US billionaire Elon Musk’s claim

From left – US billionaire Elon Musk, Russian President Vladimir Putin

New York (USA) – In 10 days, Russia-Ukraine war will complete 2 years. Against this background, an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has been broadcast recently. In this, he is clearly saying that Russia will not back down from the war in Ukraine. In this regard, US billionaire Elon Musk also confirmed this in the ‘X Spaces’ programme held on his own X account. He claimed that if Putin withdrew from the war, he would likely be killed. There is also no chance that Putin will lose the ongoing war with Ukraine.

Various US MPs and political leaders were present in this online seminar organised by Musk. The topic of discussion was whether or not the US should provide military aid to Ukraine against Russia. Among the lawmakers who participated in the discussion were Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, JD of Ohio. Mike Lee of Vance, Utah, Vivek Ramaswamy and David Sachs, co-founder of Craft Ventures, were among the participants.

Credits : WSJ News

The victory of Ukraine is only a dream – MP Ron Johnson

Senator Ron Johnson, Credits : The Onion

At this point, Ron Johnson said that people who are expecting Ukraine to win against Russia are actually living in a world of dreams. Americans will contact their representatives on a bill introduced in the US Congress to help Ukraine. Ukraine will not receive any aid from this expenditure. Escalating the war will not benefit Ukraine.