Minority Muslims never say aloud that ‘non-Muslims are our enemies’

Famous French journalist Francois Gautier shared a video exposing the nature of caustic fanatics

French journalist Francois Gautier

New Delhi – Western organisations like the United Nations side with Jihadi terrorists for two reasons. ‘Taqiyya’ is the first reason and it means – Not to profess one’s faith openly and to hide it for fear of being killed, is what the Holy Qur’an allows – to retract under extreme duress and suffering”. The concept of ‘Taqiyya’ is mentioned in the Quran and acting on it is not a sin. Therefore, when Muslims are in the minority, they never say that ‘non-Muslims are our enemies’, said French journalist Francois Gautier. He has recently released a video in this regard on YouTube and informed ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ about this.

In this video, Gautier further says, “Another reason is that jihadist Muslims treat Westerners with great respect. They are hospitable. This attempt is not made about Hindus. Because of these actions of jihadists, Western institutions take their side. As a French journalist, I also experienced this well when I was in Kashmir in the nineties.”

Credits : Francois Gautier

Gautier explained the background behind both these concepts. He said that the United Nations and other Western organisations initially sided with Hamas for these reasons, despite Hamas terrorists relentlessly persecuting Israelis.