UN is responsible for the situation in Gaza : Israel

Warning to oppose if any force of the United Nations takes control of Gaza

(Credit – Hindustan Times)

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Israel will not accept an international force under the auspices of the United Nations taking security control over Gaza after eliminating Hamas. Israel alleges that the United Nations is responsible for the current situation in Gaza. These serious allegations were presented by Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, in an interview with an Israeli newspaper.

Erdan added that…

The UN played a big role in allowing Hamas to turn the Gaza Strip into a war machine, a terror machine against Israel and against the civilised world.

After Israel wins the war, the Israeli Government should hold a serious assessment regarding its relations with the UN.

UN officials who are exploiting their positions should be denied visas. They are spreading baseless statements made by Hamas. Because of them, for the last 16 years, Hamas has been doing many terrible things under the nose of U.N agencies.

Will discuss the future of Gaza with Arab countries

“After eradicating Hamas, we will discuss the future of Gaza with the Arab countries. Basically, we are doing the dirty work for many of these Arab countries. I am sure that Hamas is the enemy of many Arab countries just as it is our enemy”, stated Gilad Erdan.

Editorial Perspective

Former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru brought the Kashmir issue to the attention of the United Nations, and it remains unresolved to this day. In light of this, it appears that Israel is warning United Nations. In a similar vein, India should consider military action to assert control over the entire Kashmir region, disregarding the United Nations.