Israel brought a bulldozer to demolish the biggest ‘Al Shifa’ hospital in Gaza

(Credit – The Seattle Times)

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Al Shifa Hospital, the largest in the Gaza Strip, is going to be demolished after Israeli forces took control of it. Bulldozers have been called for this action. The US and Israel have claimed that there are tunnels under Al Shifa where Hamas bases are located. A large stockpile of weapons has already been found in the hospital. In addition, there was an encounter with Hamas terrorists here. Five terrorists were killed in this. The United Nations claims that there are currently 2,300 patients, doctors, nurses and civilians present in this hospital, including newborns.

Palestine’s appeal to India for help !

On the other hand, Palestine has now appealed to India for help. Adnan Abu, the Ambassador of Palestine to India, said that India is a powerful country that can stop Israel. After M Gandhi, India has always understood the Palestine issue and has always given priority to establishing peace.